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  • Aug 15 Mon 2011 15:23
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  "你怎麼可以擅自決定我的二十五歲呢?" 我責怪著另一個自己。

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    本週,公共電視台的節目<獨立特派員>(官方網站 http://www.peopo.org/innews)播出一段介紹芬蘭的科學教育館的影片:


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This thesis work is finished under the supervision of Dr. Jeremy Lim and Dr. Takakuwa Shigehisa.


     I would like to thank Jeremy, who helps me with developing my ability to do research, teaches me how to think as a scientist and leads me go throught the process from playing with the data to publishing a paper. Thanks to Shige for taking care of my detail problems. I spent a lot of your time, sitting in your office and asking any kinds of questions and receiving practical opinions from you. I also would like to thank Dr. Pual Ho, who gives me crucial comments on my work and reminds me of the right attitude for doing science. This work is also supported by the strong consultant group -- all IAA researchers. You always kindly provide your helps at all levels, give me your precious opinions on science questions and technical problems.

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又到了媽祖的季節. 去年在大甲媽祖遶境隊伍裡陪走了半天. 現在,又差不多是時候,該動身了.



又是一件想了幾年但沒去做的事.  有一年是壓根忘了這回事,有一年是騰不出時間, 或者是說,單純懶惰.  今年就拉了慌哥一起來,讓我不能因為懶惰而不出發.

這次並沒有照什麼相. 台灣宗教信仰中的神都有濃濃的人性,宗教慶典也十分世俗化,貼近黎民百姓. 整個慶典與其說是敬神,倒更像是場嘉年華會. 神明在此中扮演的角色,就是祂給了世間的人們一個團結,歡愉的理由. 台灣的神衹以這種特殊的方式看照著祂的子民們.  即便如此,我還是無法像看一場秀一樣,純粹以旁觀者的角度參與. 走在隊伍中,大多數時間我都沒想到要拿起相機記錄這一切. 我就是芸芸眾生的其中一員,和所有人一樣低頭走著, 鑽神轎祈求平安, 看看各個鄉鎮的陣頭, 到各廟宇享用流水席, 伸手取用沿路善男信女提供的冷飲,瓜果. 我不想把自己從中抽離出來.

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